As part of the Foundation’s Premier League Primary Stars provision, the Foundation hosted students from Claydon Primary School in Ipswich for a Show Racism the Red Card Event.
Throughout the day, groups of students have learned about race, racism and the harm it causes, whilst also taking part in fun, football-based activities with our Schools team, including using some of the Foundation’s new inflatables.
In the afternoon, the students were invited to watch and take part in a panel discussion around experiences of racism. As part of this panel, Ipswich Town winger Kayden Jackson came down to talk to the students, discussing his experiences of dealing with racism both in football and growing up. Kayden was joined on the panel by Foundation Head of Curriculum Mike Phillips and Paul Samuels, Vice President of Atlantic Records and co-founder of Love Music Hate Racism.
To find out more about the work Show Racism the Red Card does, visit their website here.
For more information on our work with Premier League Primary Stars, contact our Senior Schools Engagement Officer Chris Scopes at