Latest News

Published November 18, 2022

Christian Walton visits Primary School as part of Anti-Bullying Week

Christian Walton visited Holbrook Primary School yesterday afternoon as part of Anti-Bullying Week.

Holbrook Primary is a partner school of the Foundation with staff delivering sessions on a weekly basis as part of the Premier League Primary Stars programme.

The theme for this year’s Anti-Bullying Week is ‘Reach Out’. This aims to encourage children to speak to teachers if they witness bullying taking place.

Christian sat down with pupils to watch a Foundation staff member deliver a class on the impacts of bullying before joining the children in creating a ‘Kindness jar’.

Once the class had finished, the Town ‘keeper answered football themed questions from the group before signing items for the children.

“It is really important that children are taught about the impacts of bullying and how they can help stop it from happening.” said Christian.

“The group seemed to take it in really well which is good to see.”

For more information on the Premier League Primary Stars programme or to register your interest in becoming a partner school, contact
